Hundreds of individuals have contributed to the recovery of the California condor. Just a few who have a role in the Southern California recovery effort are featured in The Condor's Shadow. They and a feisty condor named "Pitahsi" provide a window into what endangered species recovery looks like for the rarest of North American birds.
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Film Clips
Ria Bonner on condor nest observation.
Additional Film Clips >>California Condor Timeline
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Screening Opportunities
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In additional to film festivals, The Condor's Shadow has screened nationwide at events sponsored by local Audubon chapters, ornithology groups and environmental orginaztions.
Television Broadcasts:
The Condor's Shadow has been broadcast on PBS SoCal and KQED in the San Francisco Bay Area with generous underwriting by Audubon California.
The Condor's Shadow has been licensed for broadcast by American Public Television which provides programs to independent PBS affiliates nationwide. Look for the film on your local PBS station. The film is also currently being broadcast internationally in Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia.
The Condor's Shadow tells one of
the great conservation stories of
the last century and also presents the scientific challenges of endangered species restoration in a human context accessible to all viewers.
Mark Madison, Ph.D.
U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service Historian
National Conservation Training Center
American Conservation Film Festival Selection Committee Chair

Buy the Film on DVD
The Condor's Shadow DVD is currently only available for purchase by libraries and educational organizations.
Social Media
Captures the interplay between science and human values, along with the dedication and passion of the scientists involved with conserving this iconic species.
John D. Perrine, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Biological Sciences
California Polytechnic State University